LHC Interactive Infographic
Interactive Info-Graphic for the Large Hadron Collider. Located at CERN in Switzerland, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world. The LHC is used to study multiple aspects of high energy physics, including the creation of new particles. High energy physics is an interesting topic to many, but without a formal education on the subject it can be difficult to understand. This infographic was created to inform those who have little to no previous knowledge of the LHC and/or high energy physics. Because this infographic is intended for those who are not particularly knowledgeable on the subject, the design focuses on emphasizing a more stereotypical scientific aesthetic. This is to stimulate the interest and wonder the viewer already has for the subject. The warped forms, monospace type, and analytical color scheme create an experimental aesthetic without becoming too kitsch.